In the latest round of solicitations from DC Comics, they’ve revealed the covers to Batman: Urban Legends #23 (on sale 1/10), which will not only be the conclusion to “Batman: The Murder Club” written by me with art by Vasco Georgiev, but the conclusion to Urban Legends as a whole.
I am, of course, bummed to say goodbye to Urban Legends. Anthology books like these are huge opportunities for creators trying to break into a place like DC — they give us a chance to play in the sandboxes we love, often doing evergreen stories that don’t need to worry too much about current events and continuity.

More importantly, they mean a lot to me as a reader—the late-’80s to mid-aughts series Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight was a book I read religiously as long as I’ve been reading comics, giving one-off arcs to a variety of creators to tell some truly wild (and mostly evergreen!) Batman tales. It’s fun to pick up a story where you don’t quite know what you’re going to get, and if you don’t like it, something new will be coming your way before you know it. At least, it’s fun for me.
But #23 will wrap up Urban Legends along with our arc, and I hope you’ll stick around for the conclusion.
A week later, Batman: Urban Legends Vol. 4 will hit shops on 1/17, collecting—I believe—my stories from issues 15, 17, and 19 (featuring Plastic Man, Aquaman, and Two-Face, respectively).