Footprints #2 Early Look

Since our Kickstater was fully backed, thanks to all of you lovely people, Jonathan is now hard at work drawing issue #2 of Footprints. Earlier today, the first inked page of issue #2 arrived in my inbox (sans the graytones) and I can’t help but share it. It’s simply too awesome. Click to enlarge!

I said it was awesome, didn’t I? Anyone want to take a stab at what’s happening here? I think I’ve mentioned it in interviews…

Jack Kirby Challenge

So, the wonderful Jeff McComsey and I completed our Small Press Commandos comic  within the week timeframe, after I made him draw cars. Lots and lots of cars. You can read the full comic on the SPC site here, or on this blog right here.

You’ll notice we didn’t go the expected sci-fi route (though there was plenty to be had!). I wanted to try my hand a Kirby/Simon-style romance comic, and I think it turned out fun. I’d love to hear your feedback, so sound off in the comments!

Footprints Funded at 108% on Kickstarter

It already feels like it was forever ago that we launched the Footprints Kickstarter. As of Monday morning, we successfully surpassed our goal of $7500. In fact, the final stats were: 108% funded, 199 backers, $8,123 pledged.

I’ve done it a thousand times, but I want to offer a very sincere thank you to everyone the pledged, Facebooked, tweeted, interviewed, reviewed, previewed, podcasted and everything else that brought the word to the masses. We are eternally grateful for helping us tell a story that we believe in, even if it’s silly at heart.

As you know, Footprints #1 is already complete. The remaining issues will be going into production over the summer, and we hope to have the series completed by the end of the year. Stay tuned to this blog, or, if you’re a backer on Kickstarter, to the project updates. I’ll periodically be posting updates as we make progress on the remainder of the series.

Thank you all so much, we couldn’t have done it without you. Literally.

Enter the Small Press Commandos

Just a heads up for everyone to keep their ocular units peeled for exciting stuff from the Small Press Commandos, a group of passionate indie comics creators (of which I am a part) that are trying something fun and unique. We’ve been paired up, given an info packet on a particular theme, and now we’ve got only one week to create a short comic story. That’s full production — concept, script, pencils, inks, colors, letters — the whole nine yards in just a week!

Our first assignment is Jack Kirby… a hell of a way to kick things off, as I’m sure you’ll agree. This first round ends Monday, May 30, 2011. We’ll be deploying our comics throughout next week, so keep checking the official blog!

Watch Me on the Show!

This past weekend I was a guest on the awesome video show and podcast! Along with Alphonso McAuley of the FOX comedy Breaking In, we talk comics, nerds in love, video games, and of course, Footprints. It was a lot of fun, so thanks to Jonathan London and the other Geekscape folks for having me on!

Watch the full episode here.