Look For THIS @ C2E2

As I sit here in LAX, I again want to thank everyone that’s helped out with Kickstarter thus far. We’ve got a long way to go, but we’re confident we’ll reach our goal! Keep spreading the word!

In the meantime, if you’re headed to C2E2 this weekend, keep your eyes peeled for this:

We’ll be at Artist’s Alley Table M4! We have Footprints #1 for sale ($3!) along with the Footprints art print. In addition, Jonathan will have some of his other prints for sale, along with FUBAR. He’s also taking commissions. Come say hi!

Kickstarter Goal: The Week of 3/14/11

I just want to give a special thanks to everybody that’s backed Footprints in our Kickstarter Campaign so far. Some are friends, some are family, some are colleagues, and some are strangers, but all are now  a part of something extremely special and we love you for it. We managed to break $1000 in our first week, so we’re setting a new goal. We want to be at $1750 by next Monday! You can help make it happen by spreading the word!

You’ve seen all the great incentives we’re offering, but more importantly, you’re giving two struggling creators the means to do what they love for a living. We genuinely thank you for this first week of crowd-funding. Don’t forget, if you’re at C2E2 this coming weekend, find us at Artist’s Alley Table M4! We’ll have Footprints #1 and the Footprints Standard 11 x 17  Art Print for sale!

Footprints Standard 11 x 17 Art Print

Here it is folks! This is the standard Footprints art print, totally gorgeous and of course, completely awesome. This is the art print that comes with the $25 pledge level in our Kickstarter Campaign, and will also be available for sale at this very blog (soon) and at any conventions you might see us at, including C2E2 this weekend!

As you probably realize, this is our Page 9 title page, colored and lettered up nicely by Jonathan and Adam, respectively. And yes, this is available at the $25 pledge level, which also includes signed versions of issues #1-4 in print, electronic copies, and a special mention in the “Thank You” section of the trade paperback.

The Future is Now!

Behold! The first printed copies of Footprints #1 have arrived today, and they look great! If you haven’t already, you can order your copy by Pre-Ordering to the left of this page (yes, where it says ‘donate’), or better yet, contributing to our Kickstarter Campaign!

And of course, if you’re headed to C2E2 this year, you can grab your copy at Artist’s Alley Table M4.

Footprints Kickstarter Exclusive Art Print

Feedback was great on our Footprints #1 Kickstarter Exclusive Variant Cover, but this will completely and utterly melt your ocular units. This Kickstarter Exclusive print is extremely limited — only 50 will ever be produced — and is obviously only available by pledging to our Kickstarter Campaign.

Enough with the hype, see for yourself:

That’s what I’m talking about. This gorgeous exclusive print is available at the $100 reward level, which also includes everything at the $50 level (Kickstarter Exclusive variant cover, signed trade paperback, signed issues #1-4, etc.), along with an original sketch by our artist Jonathan Moore inside the trade paperback.

We hope that you love these exclusives, because we sure as hell do.

And yes, there are indeed some hints and teasers sprinkled throughout the image. Enjoy!  🙂