Back when the Footprints trade came out and I was doing interviews and stuff, I was pretty adamant that we wouldn’t be doing any follow-up. But never say never, I guess.
As you may have seen on Twitter the last couple of weeks, Jonathan Moore and I have been teasing a new FP story, and well, I figured it was time to stop being coy about it. So yes, you’ll be seeing the return of Foot, Devil, Choop, and Nessy, along with some new friends and old enemies (as you’ll see below) in a brand new one-shot. Here’s a peek:
On IGN Assemble! and IGN Comics in general we talk a lot about the greatness of The Rocketeer by Dave Stevens and everything that IDW has done with the character since the artist’s sad passing. The basic appeal of the story, to me, is that it’s inherently accessible. There is no continuity to restrict him. Every single story is contained within itself; all you need to know is “a pilot has a jet pack.” Not only that, but he’s a love letter to the Golden Age pulp heroes in such an effective manner that it’s so easy to forget he was only created in 1982.
What I’m saying is: if you’ve never read Dave Stevens’ original Rocketeer stuff, do so.
The Rocketeer by Dave Stevens
But I got to thinking about The Rocketeer movie for various reasons today — I fell into a YouTube vortex and ultimately somehow landed on The Rocketeer score which then snowballed into planning a tweet-a-thon of the movie tonight at 7 PM PST (join in, hashtag #TheRockAWho). The Rocketeer was pretty much panned when it was released in theaters in 1991, directed by Joe Johnston (also the director behind the similarly under appreciated superhero period masterpiece Captain America: The First Avenger).
Yeah, I know. It’s been a hot minute since I did one of these. But here we go! Page 4 of Footprints #1. Keep in mind that this isn’t REALLY what my actual script looks like, but just what I can provide within WordPress formatting issues.
It’s been a while since I’ve updated on Pawn Shop, the graphic novel I Kickstarted with Sean Von Gorman last summer. We’re working hard with a projected release of Spring ’13. Expect to start seeing regular art updates from here on out. I’m really excited (and nervous) about this book. This one hurt to get out.
Anyway, here’s an early look at Sean’s sketches one of our four main protagonists, a teenager named Jen: