Over the weekend, the kind folks at Bleeding Cool asked me to write something about Footprints. This is the piece I wrote, but you can read it over at Bleeding Cool as well along with the pages of Footprints: Bad Luck Charm.
We all remember our first true love. It’s the one that made your heart blossom. The one that cut deepest when it was betrayed. The one that still lingers somewhere inside of you, every single day, no matter how far you’ve come since the time you felt that first unmistakable flutter. You’ll love other things in your lifetime, of course you will, but the first will always be your first and nothing can change that.
When it comes to my career making comics, Footprints is my first true love. It certainly wasn’t the first comic I made, but it’s the first one that felt right, that felt special, and that I was truly proud of. It was a creator-owned mini-series by me and friend/co-creator/artist Jonathan Moore that we began working on in 2010 and released in 2011. It’s an amalgam of everything I love; a noir whodunit starring Bigfoot as a private eye trying to track down his brother’s killer with the help of his old pals Jersey Devil, Nessy, Choop, and Megalodon. It’s weird, it’s funny, it’s scary, and it’s us.

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