Footprints #1 Kickstarter Exclusive Variant Cover

So we promised that our Kickstarter Campaign would hold some really cool exclusive content, and we weren’t lying! I’m proud to debut the first of the two of our Kickstarter Exclusives, the variant cover to Footprints #1!

This awesome variant is again courtesy of Jonathan Moore, and is available at the $50 reward level in our Kickstarter Campaign. At that reward level, you’ll also get signed copies of issues #1-4 (so that’s two versions of issue #1, each with a different cover), a signed trade paperback, a special mention in the “Thank You” section of the trade, the regular Footprints art print (a colored, textless version of our awesome Page 9 splash), and electronic PDF copies of every issue. When’s the last time you got THAT much cool stuff at your local comics shop for $50?

And if you think that’s cool, just wait until I debut the Kickstarter Exclusive art print later this week.