Footprints #1 Kickstarter Exclusive Variant Cover

So we promised that our Kickstarter Campaign would hold some really cool exclusive content, and we weren’t lying! I’m proud to debut the first of the two of our Kickstarter Exclusives, the variant cover to Footprints #1!

This awesome variant is again courtesy of Jonathan Moore, and is available at the $50 reward level in our Kickstarter Campaign. At that reward level, you’ll also get signed copies of issues #1-4 (so that’s two versions of issue #1, each with a different cover), a signed trade paperback, a special mention in the “Thank You” section of the trade, the regular Footprints art print (a colored, textless version of our awesome Page 9 splash), and electronic PDF copies of every issue. When’s the last time you got THAT much cool stuff at your local comics shop for $50?

And if you think that’s cool, just wait until I debut the Kickstarter Exclusive art print later this week.

Interview @ A Comic Book Blog

I did a really fun interview with Geoff Arbuckle over at A Comic Book Blog this past weekend, which went live earlier today. You can find the entire interview here, but here’s an excerpt:

ACB: For the story element itself, you went with the noir genre.  Are you a big fan of genre in particular, or was it this particular genre that you wanted to use for these characters?

Esposito: Oh yeah, I just love noir in general.  But for these characters in particular, there is something in each of them that fits nicely with all of the classic noir archetypes.  The hard-boiled detective, the femme fatale, etc.  Each character in Footprints fills one of those roles, while adding in some extra stuff for the unique spin I think we found.  There are plenty of stories with Bigfoot or Nessy out there, but I think finding the spin on their accepted representations in popular culture is what makes Footprints appealing.

ACB: I think it’s safe to say that the use of these particular characters and the genre will lead to a lot of people being hooked.  I can say from personal experience that I’m looking forward to the rest of the story.  Can you give us a little tease for what we will be seeing throughout the rest of the Footprints series?

Esposito: Well yeah, first, I hope people do get hooked.  That’d be helpful.  As far as teases…  I can tell you that issue #2 opens the day that Japan signed the surrender documents ending World War II.  Let’s just say that the whole mystery behind this series is much, much larger in scope than a simple murder.  Or beheading, as the case may be.  Yeti’s murder was small potatoes.  There will be surprises and betrayals, and some light will be shed on the history between Foot and his brother.  And that’s just for “Iced”, this four issue mini.  With any luck, we’ll be going above and beyond that in the future.

We go on to talk about the comics industry, the importance of the Internet, and a whole lot more, so check it out! They also posted a review of Footprints #1, which if you haven’t read it, please do. It’s positively delightful.

Footprints on Kickstarter!

Hey everyone,

We hope you’ve been digging all of the coverage of Footprints #1 on the web. It’s been a blast seeing the reviews come in and there is still a lot more stuff to come. But we want to continue this story — with your help! Jonathan and I have taken Footprints to Kickstarter, the online fundraising site, in order to gain some fundage to complete not only the remaining 3 issues of Footprints, but also the collected trade paperback!

We’re offering a lot of great incentives, including Kickstarter Exclusive variants and prints that I’ll be showing off later this week! We have a lot of faith in the project, and we hope you’ll join us by contributing to it! Visit the Footprints Kickstart Campaign, where you’ll find a complete list of all our incentives and a nice video describing the project.

Jonathan and I would like to thank each and every one of you for making Footprints a success!

Footprints #1 Review @ A Comic Book Blog

Geoff over at ACB gave Footprints #1 a glowing review, saying:

Esposito gets noir.  He understands that the reader cannot know more than the characters in the story.  We have to discover the answers to the questions with our lead hero.  Also, that hero cannot be perfect.  He has to have a past that we may never know the full story to, but he’s haunted and cold.  He wants to do the right thing, but he’s not going to have a lot of friends before or after taking a job.

Sometimes, noir needs the visuals to be more important than the characters or story.  While all three usually work together to build the suspense and thrill the audience, often the visual steps to the forefront.  Think of some of the best black and white noir films.  In almost every one there is an iconic scene of either the villain making an ominous entrance, or the hero facing a fear or the villain.  Moore’s black and white visuals are stunning.  It’s subdued when necessary, and steps up to set the tone when needed.  When looking at the characters, you can read so much from their faces.  Every line and wrinkle tells its own story.  Every shadow stretches and cloaks the scene in mystery and makes the frame heavy with mood.

Be sure to read the full review of Footprints #1 at A Comic Book Blog! Thanks guys!